Design Info: 13 Designs in this pack. Simply a wonderful design set to showcase a year of months to freshen up room decor. This work perfect for going around the Toilet Paper Rolls or Jars/Vases or whatever. You can also coordinate with the Monthly Boutique Towel designs to give this as a larger gift set which are also available for purchase on this site. Designs are apx 7K to 9K and sized one to a 4x4 hoop. There are directions and our YouTube channel will have a video how to directions as well as the .zip has a printable direction. I like to stitch these on Felt with Cut-a-way. There is also the I survived the TP Apocalypse included in this making it a baker’s dozen ITH projects.
Formats Included: CSD, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PCS, PES, SEW, SHV, VIP, VP3, XXX
Design Size & Stitch Counts 7,000 to 9,000 each ITH project.