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EDM September Designs of the Month


Embroidery Designer Mall's September designs of the month

This package is only for the month of September.  They are exclusive for a year and then they will be listed for others to purchase!

You get all the designs in the pictures

ITH Halloween Mug Rug

14559 stitches 6.88x4.88 (175.4x123.2)

ITH Zipper Bag- fully lined!

5x7 2253 stitches 5.06x6.91  (128.5x176.1)

Scribble Salem Witch: 5x7, 6x10, 7x11, 8x12

Boo Sheet: 4x4, 5x7, & 6x10

Formats are pes, exp, dst, hus, vp3, jef