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EE Vintage Flair 2


Vintage Flair


Exquisite unique vintage inspired rose and scroll designs for 4x4, 5x5, 5x6 and 5x7(19 designs). Use the smaller designs to complete the larger motifs. Set 2 is for the bigger hoops (7 designs). The motifs measure 8x8, 10x5, 10x10, 11x6, 11x11 and 12x8. Arrange, link and combine the smaller designs for a jacket back, fronts, collars, bed linen, bath towels and even T-shirts. It can be stitched out on voile or cotton mesh to create lace to sew on to anything. I used the floating method on the black coat. It is made with lightweight linen. I hooped up with the wash away Vilene and float the fabric on top with spray adhesive.

Hoop Size: 8x8 & 8x12

Formats included:  ART 4, ART 6, ART 8, DST, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, VP3.